Rich Farms (I think most locals say “Rich’s Farms”) is located in Smithfield, Pennsylvania in Fayette County. Situated between Morgantown, WV, and Pittsburgh, Rich Farms can be a day trip for many, or can easily be paired with many local attractions for a longer getaway.

Check the Rich Farms website to see all they offer including a nursery, a wedding venue, and more, plays special events, pricing, and dates. I think locally, they are most well known for Fright Farm during Halloween time. I have frightful yet fond memories of my own visiting Fright Farm as a child and adolescent. Then, I didn’t visit Rich Farms for many years.

But as a mom, I’ve discovered the month-long fall event Kids Day at the Farm with my family. We’ve visited with extended family before and while it’s geared toward kids of all ages, it’s really fun for everyone.

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Here is an overview of our visit to Kids Day at the Farm to give you a closer look at the event and help you plan your visit. Chasing around two little ones, I’m sure I missed something.

Summary and Tips:

  • Getting Around with the Kids: We actually opted to leave our stroller and wagon at home. There was just so much fun that the kids never would have sat in them. If you take a stroller, the terrain is dirt, gravel, and grass. There is a wagon ride where most people park their strollers. But, there was an option to fold them up and put them in the wagon if needed. But, we were happy just walking around the kids with our diaper bag.
  • Time: We usually spend a solid 3-4 hours here.
  • Tickets: Tickets are available online, but can also be purchased at the door. Prices are slightly higher on the weekends.
  • Pumpkin: Always best to check, but the last time we visited the ticket does include a free pumpkin per ticket.
  • Food: I usually pack a lunch and/or snacks and drinks. I have noticed some food stands open on the weekends, but not on the weekdays. There are plenty of picnic areas on site. We usually pack our go-to snack, pepperoni rolls.
  • Tip: Do a tick check. One time my daughter had one in her neck. Our tick remover key chain definitely came in handy. Don’t be too alarmed. It’s just something to be mindful of.

Kids Day at the Farm Overview

There are really two separate areas. I’ll call them the Upper Fun Area and the Lower Fun Area (just for fun). When you enter, you’ll spend some time in the Upper Fun Area. Then you have the option to go on a hayride to the Lower Fun Area. The tractor drops you off at the Lower Fun Area and picks you up later. We spent about an hour in the Lower Fun Area.

Upper Fun Area

The Upper Fun Area offers a lot of fun activities such as a tattoo hut, lasso challenge, pedal kart track, backhoe skills task, super slingshot, giant jump pillow, barrel cart train, corn maze, and more!

There’s also playground equipment.

The Upper Fun Area also has wedding venue areas with a gift shop in the barn, picnic areas, and multiple adult swings with a central sandbox.

Something new to me as of our last visit in 2023, I noticed a few more food options. I believe these are not open on the weekdays when I have gone in the past. But, our last visit was on a weekend so lunch items were available, and a coffee bar. There were also lots of sweets with fresh squeezed lemonade in the lower fun area at the hayride dropoff.

Also, something new I noticed in our most recent visit in 2023 was more activities in the barn like bowling, ring toss, blocks, and more.

You can also view some barnyard animals in the Upper Fun Area.

Here you can also enjoy some great photo ops.

Scenic Hayride

While you are having fun in the Upper Fun Area, you can keep an eye out for the tractor and wagon to pull up to hop on for a scenic hayride.

Enjoy some fun and spooky attractions along the way.

Lower Fun Area

The hayride will drop you off at the Lower Fun Area which offers the Nature Park and playground, nature trail, pumpkin patch, and Fright Farm Junior. I adore this rustic homemade playground nestled in the trees. There’s also a picnic area with porta-potties nearby.

Enjoy a stroll on the short (about 0.10 miles) nature trail where you can learn about plants.

The pumpkin patch is a short walk away where you can go pick a pumpkin to take home. Depending on the harvest (I assume), popcorn cobs, apple picking, sunflowers, and zinnias may also be available.

As someone who used to create haunted houses as a child with my neighborhood friends, I’m a sucker for Fright Farm Junior. This mini haunted house was just the right amount of spooky for my three year old and the thrilling slide at the end had him going through about 10 times.

After all of the fun in the Lower Fun Area, catch the tractor ride back to the Upper Fun Area to depart when you’ve had your fill of fun on the farm.

I hope you get a chance to visit Kids Day at the Farm at Rich Farms if you haven’t already. Leave a comment to share your experience or tag me on Instagram @adventureswkelly. Let me know if you found this helpful. And if you go, have a blast!

Nearby Attractions

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